Kei whea mai, we are pleased to announce our Amonuku placements for He Tukutuku Koiora!

We are proud to partner with dedicated organisations that share our vision for nurturing the next generation of leaders through succession planning. These organisations are committed to mentoring our Amonuku within safe and supportive environments, providing them with the necessary guidance, resources, and encouragement. This collaborative effort ensures that our Amonuku have the opportunity to develop their skills, gain valuable insights, and build the confidence needed to grow and flourish in their governance roles.

Our Amonuku placements for 2024-2025 are as follows:

  • Emma Winiata, Moana New Zealand
  • Peata Williams, ChildFund New Zealand
  • Ernestynne Walsh, Te Taumata
  • Teaho Pihama, Te Mātāwai
  • Kale Panoho, Rua Bioscience
  • Jesse Pirini, MetService New Zealand
  • Hinurewa Poutu, UNICEF Aotearoa
  • Joanne Reidy, Te Hononga Akoranga COMET

About He Tukutuku Koiora:

He Tukutuku Koiora is a tikanga-led, future-focused Māori governance programme to accelerate talented Māori professionals into tomorrow’s governance leadership roles. The two-and-a-half-year programme includes online and in-person learning modules, manaaki support and mentoring, and concludes with an 18-month capstone associate directorship placement.

Through a supportive learning environment that’s embedded in tikanga Māori, the programme aims to grow the next generation of future Māori leaders and strengthen their leadership skillset so that they are resilient, capable, connected, critically minded, and forward-thinking in their approach.

With the increasing demand for values-based leadership, He Tukutuku Koiora ensures our next wave of Māori governance practitioners have the expertise, guidance, and support to be effective governors and leaders of tomorrow.

As Amonuku (Associate Directors) complete the programme, they will join Tapuwae Roa’s growing alumni network and form the largest cohort of Māori professionals in leadership and governance roles within Aotearoa.

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