
Māori Succeeding as Māori

Tō tātou moemoea

In all walks of life, our people are confident and unapologetic in living and exuding their māori identity. Their Māoritanga is luminous, and there is no situation where they feel the compulsion for it to be dimmed. Māori identity not only flavours their chosen area of success; it is a key contributor to that success.

Success indicators

  • Advancement and incorporation of Māori values systems and identifiers.
  • Promotion and championing of te Reo Māori as the widely desired medium of choice.
  • Connection and strengthening of Māori to their whakapapa and communities.
  • Cementing of Māori story sovereignty.
  • Encouraging and fostering Māori leadership paradigms.

Our kaupapa

Marautanga Āhurangi: Climate Change Curriculum