Auē, taukuri e! Kua takawe te pokekeao e paroro ana ki runga Ngā Hau e Whā. He kawainga o te mate e takoto tiraha rā.
He aituā, he parekura.
Tapuwae Roa morns the passing of our long-time board member, former chair and champion of urban Māori, Matua Norm Dewes.
Matua Norm has been a part of our Trust’s journey from the beginning, unflinching in his support of urban Māori and particularly rangatahi. Like Tapuwae Roa, countless others were blessed to be under Matua Norms wing during difficult times.
His mahi with Ngā Hau e Whā National Marae, Ngāi Tahu and Ngā Māta Waka show a man of the people, dedicated to the support and success of all, exclusive of none.
Our Pou Herenga Tangata Award, fostering and encouraging rangatahi leadership, was established in recognition of his service and commitment to this kaupapa.
Our aroha goes to aunty Linda and te kirimate at this time.
Moe mai e te pāpā, moe mai.